IOSH Summit:
International Occupational Safety and
Health Summit 2024!

The International OSH Summit is an event that includes a Essay Competition, a Infographic Competition, and concludes with an International K3 Webinar. The theme of the webinar is "Application of Industrial Hygiene to Develop Occupational Safety and Health".

Hero Section

Tentang IOSH Summit 2024

The International OSH Summit (IOSH Summit), organized by Himakesja (Himpunan Mahasiswa Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja), Sarjana Terapan K3, Universitas Sebelas Maret, is an event featuring a series of activities, including Essay and Infographic Competition. The event concludes with an International K3 Webinar themed "Application of Industrial Hygiene to Develop Occupational Safety and Health."

What’s On IOSH Summit?

National Competition

This competition at IOSH Summit 2024 invites innovative solutions for modern workplace challenges. Participants can submit essays or infographics based on the theme "Clean Future: Harmonizing Industrial Hygiene with Integrity and Innovation to Create A Healthy Society and Sustainability." The competition highlights the importance of industrial hygiene for a safer and healthier future.

National Competition

International Webinar

The closing event of IOSH SUMMIT 2024 is an International Webinar on "Implementing Industrial Hygiene to Build Occupational Safety and Health". This webinar features renowned speakers and OSH experts sharing their insights. Participants can gain valuable knowledge about applying OSH within the hygiene industry and stay updated on current trends and challenges.

International Webinar
Supported by a 1.4k Strong Community

Join the Conversation
at IOSH Summit 2024😊

Connect with fellow OSH enthusiasts and experts at IOSH Summit 2024.

Asik Parah!

Sangat bangga dan berkesan bisa menjadi bagian dari salah satu event internasional di UNS yang diselenggarakan oleh Himakesja SV UNS

Jeihan Farel
Jeihan Farel
Panitia IOSH

Joss Jiss

Saya pribadi merasa sangat bersyukur dan bangga telah menjadi bagian dari serangkaian kegiatan IOSH SUMMIT 2023 khususnya sebagai finalis lomba yang seru poll, so happy bisa nambah insight, belajar banyak dari karya temen" finalis, dan relasi tentunya.

Audrey Permata
Audrey Permata
Peserta Lomba IOSH

Gaskann Lagi!

Alhamdulilah IOSH Summit 2023 berjalan lancar, Pengalaman pertama acara internasional, semogaa tahun depan lebih baik lagi

Mohammad Lifran
Mohammad Lifran
Panitia IOSH

Keren Banget!

Cukup well-prepared & sangat menyambut hangat peserta, rangkaian kegiatannya juga menarik!

Hikmat Taufiqurrohman
Hikmat Taufiqurrohman
Peserta Lomba IOSH

Kecee Abiss

Kerenn banget IOSH Summit 2023! bangga jadi bagian panitia dan sukses buat tahun selanjutnya

Panitia IOSH

Lancar Jaya😱🚀

Good job buat semua panitia karena udah nyiapin acara ini dengan sangat baik! you’re the great!

Tsabita Nurul
Tsabita Nurul
Panitia IOSH

Postingan Terbaru

What is IOSH Summit 2024?

What is IOSH Summit 2024?

The International Occupational Safety and Health Summit, better known as IOSH Summit, is a multi-faceted event dedicated to fostering awareness and innovation in workplace safety and health. Taking place in 2024, the summit centers around the theme "Clean Future: Harmonizing Industrial Hygiene with Integrity and Innovation to Create a Healthy and Sustainable Society" . IOSH Summit features a diverse range of activities, including: National Essay and Infographic Competi…

The International OSH Summit 2024

Organized by Himakesja (Himpunan Mahasiswa Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja), Sarjana Terapan K3, Universitas Sebelas Maret

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